September 2014
006 2787
Shyamsundar, R. K. (2014). Computing legacy of Alan M. Turing (1912 - 1954). Current Science, 106(12), 1669–1680.
025 2788
E-Granthalayanchya jagat: Special Issue (2014). Marathi Vidnyan Parishad Patrika, 47(4).
050 2810
Gunasekaran, Subbiah (2014). Impact factors of open access and subscription journals across fields. Current Science, 107(3), 380–388.
300.7 2781
Sohal, Sukhdev Singh (2014). State of social sciences in higher education in India. Man & Development, 36(1), 87–100.
305 2800
Datta, Sanchita (2014). Gender inequalities in the field of education. Quest in Education, 38(3), 10–22.
333.7 2779
Paryavaran Vishesh: Special Issue (2014). Vigyan, 100(3).
336.00820954 2780
Singh, Devender (2014). Gender responsive budgeting in India: equality and efficiency dimension. Man & Development, 36(1), 63–86.
372 2782
Ryagi, R. C. (2014). Compliance of RTE in elementary education through SSA: an assessment in case of Uttar Pradesh. Man & Development, 36(1), 101–120.
372 2783
Continuous comprehensive evaluation: Special Section. The Primary Teacher, 37(1–2), 20–47.
372 2784
Quality of elementary education: Special Section. The Primary Teacher, 37(1–2), 48–101.
372 2793
Navarro, Manuel (2014). Evolutionary maps: a new model for the analysis of conceptual development, with application to the Diurnal Cycle. International Journal of Science Education, 36(7), 1231–1261.
372 2804
Ramchandran, Vimala (2014). Evaluation of gender and equity issues under Sarva Shiksha Abhiyaan. Indian Journal of Gender Studies, 21(2), 157-178.
372 2813
Villarroel, Jose (2014). Early understanding of the concept of living things: an examination of young children's drawings of plant life. Journal of Biological Education, 48(3), 119-126.
378 2811
Prathap, Gangan (2014). Performance of research-intensive higher educational institutions in India. Current Science, 107(3), 389-396.
378.1 2785
Jeremic, Veljko (2014). Evaluation Asian University Rankings: position and perspective of leading Indian higher education institutions. Current Science, 106(12), 1647–1659.
507 2786
Hasan, S. A. (2014). Comparative performance of India with other BRICS Countries in publishing science and engineering research papers. Current Science, 106(12), 1654–1657.
507 2789
Dogiuseppe, Maurice (2014). Representing nature of science in a science textbook: exploring Author -Editor - Publisher interactions. International Journal of Science Education, 36(7), 1061-1082.
507 2792
Morris, Helen (2014). Socio-scientific issues and Multidisciplinarity in school science textbooks. International Journal of Science Education, 36 (7), 1137-1158.
507 2794
Bayir, Eylem (2014). Exploring natural and social scientists' view of nature of science. International Journal of Science Education, 36(7), 1286-1312.
507 2796
Lin, Tzu-Chiang (2014). Research trends in science education from 2008 to 2012: a systematic content analysis of publications in selected journals. International Journal of Science Education, 36(7), 1346-1372.
507 2797
Communication and public engagement: Special Issue. International Journal of Science Education, 4 (3, part B).
507 2798
Matthews, Michael R.(Ed) (2014). Modelling conceptual change: Special Issue. Science Education, 23(7).
507 2799
Rotheram, Kenneth (2014). Teaching, learning and creativity (TLC) model for science. School Science Review, 95(353), 79 – 84.
507 2802
Mishra, Mridula (2014). Science for masses: thoughts and activities of Tagore. Indian Journal of Science Communication, 10(1), 3–6.
507 2803
Uddin, Ashraf (2014). Measuring research output and collaboration in South Asian countries. Current Science, 107(1), 31-38.
507 2807
Matthews, Michael(Ed) (2014). Second Nordic HPS & ST Symposium: Special Issue. Science & Education, 23(8).
507 2812
Nilsson, Pernilla (2014). When teaching makes a difference : developing science teachers' pedagogical development. International Journal of Science Education, 36(11), 1794-1814.
509 2801
History of numerical tables in sanskrit sources: Special Issue (2014). Indian Journal of History of Science, 49(2).
510.07 2808
Institutional, socio-cultural and discursive approaches to research in university mathematics education: Special Issue (2014). Research in Mathematics Education, 16(2).
510.07 2809
Alcock, Lara (2014). Achievement and behaviour in undergraduate mathematics: personality is a better predictor than gender. Research in Mathematics Education, 16(1), 1-17.
520.7 2790
Plummer, Julia Diane (2014). Learning to explain astronomy across moving frames of reference: exploring the role of classroom and planetarium–based instructional contexts. International Journal of Science Education, 36 (7), 1083-1106.
530 2806
Intersection of Biology and Physics: Special Issue (2014). American Journal of Physics, 82(5).
530.076 2805
Kryjevskaia, Mila (2014). Assessing the flexibility of research-based instructional strategies: implementing tutorials in introductory physics in the lecture environment. American Journal of Physics, 82(3), 238-250.
540.7 2791
Adbo, Karina (2014). Developing an understanding of chemistry: a case study of one Swedish student's rich conceptualization for making sense of upper secondary school chemistry. International Journal of Science Education, 36(7), 1107-1136.
540.7 2795
Kind, Vanessa (2014). A Degree is not enough: a quantitative study of aspects of pre-service science teachers' chemistry content knowledge. International Journal of Science Education, 36(8), 1313-1345.