April 2016
370 3138
Madan, Aman (2016). Vargiya vishamata ke sidhdhant va shiksha (Hindi). Shiksha Vimarsha, 18(1), 5–11.
370 3154
Bhattarcharji, Prashant (2016). School education and the lack of parent information. Contemporary Education Dialogue, 13(1), 57-92.
370.1965 3153
Srivastava, Prachi (2016). Philanthropic engagement in education: Localised expressions of global flows in India.Contemporary Education Dialogue, 13(1), 5–32.
372 3124
Settlage, John et al (2015). Examining elementary school science achievement gaps using an organizational and leadership perspective. School Science and Mathematics, 115(8), 381–391.
372 3125
Shukla, Rohit Kumar (2015). Performance assessment of elementary education towards compliance of RTE in Uttar Pradesh. Man & Development, 37(4), 81–102.
373 3139
Best practices to upgrade the quality of secondary education: Special Issue (Marathi) (2016). Shikshan Sankraman, 4(7).
378 3123
Mainstreaming ICT enabled innovations for popularising education: Special Issue. University News, 54(2).
502 3119
Vikas: Special Issue (Hindi) (2015). Vigyan, 101(9).
507 3128
Harris, Christopher J. et al (2015). Impact of project-based curriculum materials on student learning in science: results of a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 52(10), 1362–1385.
507 3129
Fortus, David et al (2015). Assessing the role of curriculum coherence in student learning about energy. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 52(10), 1408–1425.
507 3130
Cheng, Meng-Gei (2015). Investigating the relationship between students' views of scientific models & their development of models. International Journal of Science Education, 37(15), 2453-2475.
507 3132
Ucan, Serkan (2015). Social regulation of learning during collaborative inquiry learning in science: how does it emerge and what are its functions? International Journal of Science Education, 37(15), 2503–2532.
507 3133
Zhang, Dongmei (2015). Disciplinary foundations for solving interdisciplinary scientific problems. International Journal of Science Education, 37(15), 2503–2532.
507 3134
Dunn, Karee E. (2015). Understanding the influence of learners' forethought on their use of science study strategies in postsecondary science learning. International Journal of Science Education, 37(15), 2597–2618.
507 3135
Matthews, Kelly E. (2015). Influence of undergraduate science curriculum reform on students' perceptions of their quantitative skills. International Journal of Science Education,37(15),2619-2636
507 3136
Ho, H. (2015). Relationship among scientific epistemic beliefs, conceptions of learning science, and motivation of learning science: a study of Taiwan high school students. International Journal of Science Education, 37(15), 2688–2707.
507 3137
Morris, Bradley, J. et al (2015). Analysis of data activities and instructional supports in middle school science textbooks. International Journal of Science Education, 37(15), 2708–2720.
507 3143
Berland, Leema (2016). Epistemological trade-offs: accounting for context when evaluating epistemological sophistication of student engagement in scientific practices. Science Education, 100(1), 5-29.
507 3144
Hunter, Todd L. (2016). Department-Level Representations: A New Approach To The study Of Science Teaching Cognition. Science Education, 100(1), 30–56.
507 3145
Anderson, Lori (2016). Do high-ability students disidentify with science? a descriptive study of U. S. ninth graders in 2009. Science Education, 100(1), 57–77.
507 3146
Smetana, Lara K. (2016). Clarifying and capturing "trust" in relation to science education: dimensions of trustworthiness within schools and associations with equitable student achievement. Science Education, 100(1), 78–95.
507 3147
Kind, Vanessa (2016). Preservice science teachers' science teaching orientations and beliefs about science. Science Education, 100(1), 122–152.
507 3148
Burgin, Stephen R. (2016). Learning nature of science concepts through a research apprenticeship program : a comparative study of three approaches. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 53(1), 31–59.
507 3149
Jensen, Eric Allen (2016). Evaluating indicator-based methods of 'measuring long-term impacts of a science centre on its community (comment and rejoinder). Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 53(1), 60–69.
507 3150
Schwendimann, Beat A. (2016). Comparing two forms of concept map critique activities to facilitate knowledge integration processes in evolution education. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 53(1), 31–59.
510.7 3122
Oonk, Wil (2015). Enriching practical knowledge: exploring student teachers' competence in integrating theory and practice of mathematics teaching. Journal of Research in Mathematics Education, 46(5), 559–598.
530.07 3141
Sthanapati, Jayanta (2016). Physics playground. Science Reporter, 53(2), 25–28.
530.092 3140
Murthy, M. S. S. (2016). Raman Effect: from studying cells to detecting bombs. Science Reporter, 53(2), 14–18.
530.92 3120
Remembering Einstein, the father of general relativity on the centenary year of its invention: Special Issue. Indian Science Cruiser, 29(3).
574 3127
Durrant, Kate L. (2015). Integrative learning value of field courses. Journal of Biological Education, 49(4), 385–400.
574.07 3131
Bergey, Bradley (2015). Teaching high school biology students to coordinate text and diagrams: relations with transfer, effort and spatial skills. International Journal of Science Education, 37(15), 2476–2502.
575 3121
Lakshmi, Manjulika (2016). Anuvanshik varnamala ke liye naye aksharon ka aavishkar (Hindi) (2016). Aavishkar, 46(1), 15–18.
575 3126
Tshuman, Tholani (2015). Textbooks as a possible influence on unscientific ideas about evolution. Journal of Biological Education, 49(4), 354–369.
613.04244 3152
Gender And Commercialisation Of Health Care: Special Issue. Indian Journal of Gender Studies, 23(1).
621.042 3151
Papadouris, Nicos (2016). Investigating middle school students' ability to develop energy as a framework for analyzing simple physical phenomena. Journal of research in Science Teaching, 53(1), 119–145.
621.3827 3142
Jain, Sanjay D. (2016). Wonder Pipes For Digital India: Optical Fibres. Science Reporter, 53(2), 34–37.