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Acta Arithmetica (Current + Complete Archive)

Acta Mathematica (Current + Complete Archive)

Advances in Difference Equations

Advances in Mathematics (Current + Complete Archive)

American Journal of Mathematics  (1996+)  (1878-2004)

American Mathematical Monthly 1894-2006

AMRX :  Applied Mathematics Research eXpress 

Annals of Mathematics (1884-2004)

Annals of Probability (Current + Complete Archive)

Applied Numerical Mathematics

Bulletin of  American Mathematical Society (Current + Complete Archive)

Bulletin of  London Mathematical Society (Current + Complete Archive)

Canadian Journal of Mathematics (Current + Complete Archive)

Canadian Mathematical Bulletin (Current + Complete Archive)

Communications on Pure & Applied Mathematics [Online Only (Current + Complete Archive)]


Discrete Applied Mathematics

Discrete Dynamics in Nature & Society Discrete Mathematics & Applications

Discrete Mathematics

European Journal of Combinatorics

Historia Mathematica

Illinois Journal of Mathematics

IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics (Current + Complete Archive)

IMA Journal of Management Mathematics(Current + Complete Archive)

IMA Journal of Mathematical Control & Information(Current + Complete Archive)

IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis (Current + Complete Archive)

Indiana University Mathematics Journal  (Current + Complete Archive)

International Journal of Computational Geometry & Applications [Online Only (Current + Complete Archive)]

International Journal of Mathematics & Mathematical Sciences *

International Journal of Mathematics (Current + Complete Archive)

International Journal of Number Theory [Online Only (Vol.1,2005) +]

International Mathematics Research Papers  (Merged with IMRN from 2009)

International Mathematics Research Surveys (Pub as a book from 2009)

Journal for Research in Mathematics Education. Monograph 1985-2003

Journal of  American Mathematical Society  (1996+)  (1988-1995)

Journal of Algebra

Journal of Algorithms (Online Only)

Journal of Applied Mathematics & Decision Sciences *

Journal of Applied Mathematics & Stochastic Analysis *

Journal of Applied Mathematics*

Journal of Applied Probability  (1998+)   (1964-1997)

Journal of Combinatorial Designs   (Current + Complete Archive)

Journal of Combinatorial Theory - A (Online Only)

Journal of Combinatorial Theory - B (Online Only)  

Journal of Complexity (Online Only)

Journal of Differential Equations

Journal of Functional Analysis

Journal of Geometric Analysis  

Journal of Graph Theory  (Current + Complete Archive)

Journal of Mathematical Physics [Online Only (Current + Complete Archive)] 

Journal of Mathematical Sciences,  University of Tokyo

Journal of Number Theory

Journal of  London Mathematical Society (Current + Complete Archive)

Lecture Notes-Monograph Series 1982-2009

Linear Algebra & its Applications

Mathematical Gazette (1894-2004)

Mathematical Journal of Okayama University (Current + Complete Archive) 

Mathematical Logic Quarterly (1955-1999)

Mathematical Methods in  Applied Sciences

Mathematical Modelling

Mathematical Research Letters (Current + Complete Archive)

Mathematical Tables & Other Aids to Computation 1943-1959

Mathematics Magazine 1947-2006

Mathematics News Letter 1926-1934

Mathematics of Computation 1960-2004

Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications

Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations

Philosophia Mathematica – 1964

Philosophical Transactions (1665-1677)

Philosophical Transactions  (1683-1775)

Philosophical Transactions of  Royal Society of London (1776-1886)

Philosophical Transactions of  Royal Society of London. A (1887-1895)

Philosophical Transactions of  Royal Society of London. B (1887-1895)

Philosophical Transactions of  Royal Society of London. Series A, containing papers of Mathematical or Physical character (1896-1934)

Philosophical Transactions of Royal Society of London. Series A, Mathematical & Physical Sciences (1934-1990)

Philosophical Transactions of  Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences (1934-1990

Philosophical Transactions of  Royal Society of London. Series B,containing papers of Biological character (1896-1934)

Proceedings of Indian Academy of Sciences - Mathematical Sciences

Proceedings of  American Mathematical Society   (1950-2004)

Proceedings of  London Mathematical Society (Current + Complete Archive)

Quarterly Journal of Mathematics (Current + Complete Archive)

Sankhyā:  Indian Journal of Statistics  (1940-1960)

Sankhyā:  Indian Journal of Statistics (2003-2006)

Sankhyā:  Indian Journal of Statistics, Series A (1961-2002)

Sankhyā:  Indian Journal of Statistics, Series B (1960-2002)

Teaching Mathematics & its Applications (Current + Complete archive)

Theoretical & Mathematical Physics





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